250 Gms Almonds
300 Gms Sugar
100 Gms Pure Kova (Fresh Kova without sugar)
1 Teaspoon Cardamom PowderPinch of Saffron
40 Gms Pure Ghee
1/2 cup Milk for grinding
1.Soak dry almonds in boiling water (Do not boil water with almonds).Pour boiling water into a vessel containing the Almonds. Allow it tobe in water for 8-10 mins. Then, peel the Almonds skin.
2.When the entire quantity has been peeled off , dry grind the entirequantity to powder form. After this take small quantities of thepowdered almonds and grind to thick paste by adding very smallquanty of milk. Grind the entire quantity to thick paste, -Thickconsistency.
3.Transfer the ground thick paste of Almonds to a frying pan (Kadai).
4.Add 300 Gms sugar to the thick paste . Add Saffron leaves andcardamom powder. Mix well and heat gently at the same time stirringcontinuously with out interruption till the entire mass becomes thichand sticks to the sides of the Pan.
5.Take the pan away from the stove and add 100 Gms Pure Kova andmix well. Allow it to gradually cool till the entire mass becomes thicksimultaneously stirring. Keep on stirring till it is almost luke warm.
6.Smear ghee on to a flat plate . Transfer the entire mass on to the plateand roll it with the help of a balon (Chapati roller) uniformly. Whencool cut into Diamond shaped burfies.
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